Musket Meadows features JNCO 2, 3 and 4 bedroom multiplexes. A large playground is centrally located, with many back yards opening into. Ideally located just minutes from the main gate, you live right on the edge of the housing community, giving you the quickest access to both on and off Base amenities. Musket Meadows houses feature many spacious fenced in back yards and landscaping is filled with mature trees. These late 1990’s homes have had flooring and appliances updated as needed. An attached garage unit with access to the home and central air conditioning make for easy adjustments to all New England seasons.
1000 ft2
Beds 2
Bath 1.5
Family Members 6

Eligible Rank
E01, E02, E03, E04, E05, E06

Interior Features

  • Two stories
  • 2 bedrooms
  • 1.5 bathrooms
  • Open concept kitchen/living area
  • Kitchen island